How To Reduce The Speed Of Hair Fall
Hair loss is something that affects almost every man and reduces their confidence to a great degree. Male pattern baldness occurs because of a wide range of reasons such as heavy medicines, stress, deficiency of vital nutrients, and lack of protein in the body.
You’ll be shocked to know that every person sheds somewhere close to 50 and 150 hair strands every day as a normal body process. However, these already lost strands are then replaced by new ones quite quickly.
There are different types of techniques available that can help in the prevention of hair fall. In markets or stores, you can easily find tonnes of shampoos and hair care products, but they all have high chemical concentration.
The homemade preventive treatments incorporate various kinds of hair care processes. These procedures can prove worthy to hide the thinning and bald spots on the scalp.
Check out these natural methods that can help you prevent hair fall to a certain extent.
Top Tips To Prevent Hair Loss Naturally
- Do you wish to prevent hair loss or at least slow down the speed of thinning? You need to apply a few lifestyle changes and incorporate healthy habits in your routine.
- Stop the consumption of heavy medications that aren’t prescribed by doctors. Live in a clean environment and stop taking excess stress. Remember, dust and unhygienic conditions can result in hair fall, so you should clean your head routinely with a mild and high quality shampoo.
- An adequate consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, green leafy veggies and salads can help to improve the growth of strands on your scalp. Apart from veggies, you must also consume a proper amount of fish, eggs, and red meat to get the much needed amount of iron and protein in your body.
- You ought to stay away from the permanent wave solutions or straightening products as these have an extremely high amount of harmful chemicals that causes thinning, and even baldness. Dryers and ironing also result in severe loss of strands. You must avoid these types of things to protect your strands.
- Do you know that vitamins are quite effective for ideal growth of hairs? You should consume the required amount of vitamin B as it plays a significant role in healthy production and new cell generation.
- Make a mixture of vinegar and a spoon of lemon juice. It can help useful if you massage it on your head. Then, wash the scalp properly with a high quality shampoo. This can reduce the speed of hair fall.
We all know that the best solution to end baldness is to go for hair transplant treatment. However, there’s no harm in taking up some homemade, natural remedies that can prove effective in reducing the speed of thinning and hair fall.