Hair Restoration Products That Do Not Work
If you are suffering from male pattern baldness then you will want to know the truth about many of the products that are on the market. If you know what does not work then it will be easier to find a product that does. There are many hair restoration products that make claims that they can not fulfill.
One type of hair restoration product that does not work is hair restoration vitamins. These products are great for the body as they offer the vitamins that many need. Hair loss is not caused by having no vitamins, it is usually from genetics. Taking vitamins will not allow for any new hair growth.
Stay away from these products that say that with vitamins that you will gain more hair. This is one way that companies take advantage of the need for people to regain their hair. It is unprofessional and yet this happens more and more. The invention of online products has made this process even more common.
Another hair restoration product that does not work is electrical stimulation. This does not work to gain more hair it only causes discomfort for the patient. This type of stimulation to the hair follicles does not do anything to produce any more hair or to prevent any hair loss from continuing. Again, stay away from these types of treatments that are not known to work.
There are certain types of hair care products that offer instant hair growth. With the exception of Rogaine, none of these products actually have been proven to work. The FDA has not backed any of these products and that is a big warning sign. If a product is not backed by the FDA, then there is a good chance that it is a bogus product.
Scalp massage does not work to grow hair either. It simply stimulates the scalp but does not produce any new hair growth of any type. This is just another scam for those who wish to take advantage of the people who so desperately want to have hair. It is sad that these practices take place in this day and age.
Finally, never purchase a product that sounds too good to be true. The old adage holds true when it comes to hair restoration products as well as any other product. Do not believe the hype. If they have not been approved by the FDA then you should definitely not invest your hard earned money on them.
While there are more hair restorations products that do work, you will be able to spend your money wisely if you know what to look out for. When you purchase products that have been approved or go with treatments that are guaranteed to work you will have better results. It is your money so you need to make a choice where you will spend it. By doing good research or consulting with your doctor you can find a quality product that actually grows back hair.