Should You Consider A Hydrafacial?
One of the latest non-invasive facials that work to clear the skin and bring out its natural radiance is the hydrafacial. This treatment works to minimize fine lines, wrinkles, mild acne, hyper-pigmentation, clogged/enlarged pores, dark spots and oily skin.
This treatment works with the help of a unique, spiral suction tip that sucks in the impurities so that the serum can be delivered deep into the pores of the skin.
This hydradermabrasion procedure is a multi step treatment that helps to leave the skin well hydrated and firm while also ensuring that elasticity and radiance is restored.
Before you consider getting a hydrafacial treatment, it is important to understand the pros and cons of the procedure.
Pros Of Hydrafacials
• Hydrafacial treatment is appropriate for all skin types. Even those that have sensitive skin benefit from this procedure as it does not cause irritation and excessive redness.
• The recovery time is quick and fast. Soon after the procedure you can carry on with your day to day tasks. There is no downtime and you can even apply makeup on the same day itself.
• At the first sitting itself, instant results are immediately visible. After the required number of sittings, your skin looks clean, firm and glowing.
• The texture of your skin is greatly improved.
• The serums used in the hydrafacial treatment can be customized to suit your skin type and texture.
• The cost of a sitting is on par with most other cosmetic treatments.
Cons Of Hydrafacials
• You require more than one session to spot a drastic change in your appearance. It can be a time consuming process as you have to go in for more than one sitting.
• The results of the treatment are not definite in the sense that it differs from person to person. While some may experience favorable changes within the first sitting itself, others may need to go for multiple treatments before seeing any significant changes.
• Although the cost of one session is the same as most other facial treatments available, it can become more expensive if you require more than one sitting to get the desired results.
Some Things You Should Know About Hydrafacials
Itching, swelling and redness are the more common effects that many people experience immediately after the treatment, especially those with very sensitive skin. However, it is only a temporary phase. These sensations are mild and will go away soon after.
A Hydrafacial treatment cannot be performed by any surgeon. Only a certified aesthetician is qualified to carry out this treatment as they have undergone extensive training and understand the nuances of the procedure. You should never get this or any other cosmetic treatment done by something who had not received adequate training.