Home Made Protein Bars
We all know protein is very important when carrying out weight lifting, whether you carry out powerlifting, Olympic lifting, bodybuilding or are simply just wanting to get fit. Some of us will pile on the protein through eating more meat, poultry, pulses and other foods that have a high protein content while others will use protein shakes to fill in the protein gaps from meals.
The problem with protein shakes and meals is that sometimes we just don’t have the time to have a meal or blend a protein shake so suffer with a lack of protein now and again, but there is an alternative and this is protein bars.
Protein Bars
Now protein bars are a great alternative to eating a snack on the go as they give you a protein boost and support your training, the only problem is that they can be quite expensive.
An alternative to purchasing protein bars is to make your own home made protein bars!
It may sound like a lot of work to make your own home made protein bars but this could not be further from the truth. If you follow the simple method we will explain how you can make wonderful great tasting home made protein bars that you can keep in the fridge to eat when you need.
Protein Bar Ingredients
Below are the ingredients you need to make the home made protein bars that we will be showing you how to make.
- 100g – Oats
- 100g – Peanut Butter
- 100g – Whey protein powder
- 4 Tablespoons of Honey
- 30ml – Milk
- Raisins (If desired)
You may wish to add or change these ingredients later on to fine tune your home made protein bars so they give you the taste that you want. This home made protein bar recipe gives you a protein bar that tastes very much like a Snickers/Marathon bar (for those who know what a Snickers/Marathon bar tastes like).
Making The Home Made Protein Bars
Take a bowl and mix your peanut butter and honey together. Put the mixture in the microwave and microwave for around forty five seconds to one minute until the mixture is soft.
Take the bowl out of the microwave and add your raisins, protein powder and oats in to the bowl and mix well. Once mixed you will find the mixture becomes very dry because of the protein powder.
Add your milk to the mixture and mix well to add a little moisture to your recipe. You will see that the bars will not become very moist from such a small amount of milk but it will give you just enough moisture to make the bars easy to eat.
Now your mixture is ready, take a tray and empty the mixture on to the tray. Using a knife and any other utensil you see fit make the mixture in to a rectangle shape that is even in height.
Put the mixture in to the fridge for around two to three hours to let it set. After two to three hours take the mixture out of the fridge and cut the rectangle in to twelve equally sized bars. Wrap the bars in kitchen foil or cling film and place them in the fridge. I prefer to use kitchen foil as cling film can stick to the bars.
The whole recipe should take around five to ten minutes to complete before putting in the fridge for the two to three hours. After this its another five to ten minutes to cut and wrap the bars.
Nutritional Breakdown
You now have twelve protein bars that will give a rough nutritional value per bar of
- Serving Size 35g
- Calories 119
- Protein 8.9g
- Carbohydrates 9.18g (Sugar 0.75g)
- Fat 5.25g (Saturates 0.25g)
- Fibre 1.65g
- Sodium 0.05g
You will notice that in total the bars are roughly 35 grams in weight and have about 119 calories. What is more interesting is the 9 grams of protein the bar will give you and the 5.25 grams of fat, of which 5 grams is healthy fats that your body needs.
The home made protein bar also has 1.65 grams of fibre that will support your digestion and 9.18 grams of carbohydrates that will help your body have an energy boost.
Home Made Protein Bar Summary
The protein estimated in the protein bars does differ depending on the protein powder you are using. The powder used in this recipe gave 70.5 grams for 100 grams of protein powder; the rest is made up from the 100 grams of peanut butter used.
These protein bars are great as they are small in size and you can take them anywhere as a protein snack that is packed full of protein, good fats and vitamins that your body needs.
Remember that you can make alterations to this recipe to make the taste of the protein bars suit your own requirements. If you do make any alterations and find a great taste why not come back and post a message below so we can all try it ourselves!