How to Improve Your Eyesight With Kale and Eye Exercises
Exercise is essential in keeping the body in good shape. However, without the right nutrition the results from your fitness program will be minimal. The same applies to the visual system. Eye exercises strengthen the eye muscles that increase the focusing power of the eyes. A process applied through the regular practice of easy and simple eye exercises that lead to better natural eyesight. Due to the fact that It is difficult to get the most out of your vision improvement program, without the right nutrition, Kale can be a helpful addition to your eye program to improve and protect your precious eyesight.
Due to its high vitamin,mineral and antioxidant content Kale is a food to improve eyesight that is one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet. Kale surpasses broccoli, spinach and collard greens in terms of vitamin K content. its supply of this vitamin is essential in blood clotting,and according to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition consuming a vitamin K rich diet can reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Additional benefits of Kale include detoxification, the promotion of better heart health, the prevention of bone loss,lower cholesterol, and eye health benefits to name a few. Due to its rich content in Vitamin A, Lutein and Zeaxanthin, Kale is an essential super food that can boost the results of your vision improvement program.
Increasing incidents of the age related vision disorder, macular degeneration, make it more essential than ever before to provide your eyes with adequate nutritional protection. Kale supplies an ample amount of Lutein and Zeaxanthin: 2 key nutrients that protect the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts. A scientific study revealed that people who had a history of eating Kale regularly reduced their risks for cataracts by 22%. Likewise, an eye exercise program improves the circulation of the eyes; a benefit that can also lead to improved eye health and additional protection from age related vision disorders. Thus combining both components can not only improve eyesight but boost eye health.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin are nutrients known for improving eye health.For instance, they are crucial to filtering out harmful U.V rays from the eyes associated with excessive exposure to the sun. According to Rebecca Katz, author of the nutrition magazine called “Longevity Kitchen”, one serving of cooked Kale has nearly triple the amount of Lutein than a serving of raw spinach has. Kale provides a substantial source of Vitamins A, C and K. From a nutritional viewpoint, it consists of 684% of your daily value of Vitamin K, 206% for vitamin A and 1000% more vitamin C than spinach. The Vitamin A in Kale improves night vision and helps the visual system detect various light sources.
Many people dislike the taste of Kale. However, there are a number of creative things that you can do to solve this problem. For instance, you can simply add kale to a pasta sauce, a soup or combine it in juicing with other vegetables and fruits such as pineapples and oranges. An additional option is to saute it with a splash of olive oil, onion and garlic.
Combing Kale with your eye program makes sense. It supplies nutritional protection form age related vision disorders. Also, it packs a nutritional punch that surpasses other healthy vegetables such as carrots, broccoli and spinach. With its numerous health benefits, vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content, ultimately, consuming this vegetable in conjunction with your eye exercise program, can go a long way in promoting and protecting your precious eyesight.