All About Irvingia Gabonesis
Irvingia Gabonensis is a generation of Southeast Asian and African trees belonging to the Irvingiaceae family. It is usually referred to as the “Agbono” or “African Mango” and bears mango-like seeds on a seasonal basis. The African Mango has been labeled by many experts as a revolutionary weight loss ingredient, since its extracts from the seeds are soluble fibers essential in weight reduction. Hence, the Agbono is considered as one of the famous ingredients for weight loss today.
The African Mango has inevitably played a crucial role in revolutionizing traditional medicine, nutrition and economy in Western Africa. The United Nations sent a group of scientists to Angola and Nigeria to study and enhance the commercial use of African Mango.
Although several negative effects were found, the Agbono helped many Africans (including the Benin Army) keep their body fit. Initial studies showed that the Mango’s benefits as a weight loss treatment were not yet completed until scientists and researchers from outside Africa conducted their own take. Since then, a number of studies on the Agbono’s positive effects in weight loss have become evident.
It is ideal for people struggling to achieve a healthy weight. The range of supplements with the African Mango extract is great for incorporating high cholesterol treatment during regular diet. Recent studies have shown that the African Mango can be an alternative in developing circulatory health. Also, it triggers elimination of triglycerides and bad cholesterol. In fact, the African Mango promotes maintenance of good cholesterol and HDL.
Several researches revealed that the African Mango has side effects. Based from various individual testimonies, the Agbono likely decreases food cravings. This is due to some ingredients that are potential to reinvigorating poor leptin activity. The latter is commonly associated with appetite loss or hunger. Clinical researchers from Cameroon, where the Mango dominantly grows, meanwhile revealed that its seed extracts may increase diabetes and obesity risks.
According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, the African Mango optimized with “Phase 3 Calorie Complex” formula curbs fat accumulation regardless of age. It is often referred to as the “Phase 3 African Mango” and is primarily designed to target specific factors critical to age-related weight increase and reduction.
Phase 3 Mango supplements are usually taken before and after heavy meals. Its dosage must not exceed three capsules per day since it may lower the blood glucose levels resulting to gastritis, vomiting and other abdominal pains. Before starting any new supplement please check with your doctor to ensure it’s OK to do so.