Why We Need Probiotics for Good Health – Why They Are Pro-Life
When the profound health benefits of certain unique foods have been proven and tested for hundreds of generations - in fact, for thousands of years...
P90X Review – The Real Deal Or Just Another Late Night Infomercial?
P90X is a 12 DVD set that takes the user through a 90 day, fat burning, muscle toning transformation. The company that makes this product...
Fish Oil Vs Flax Oil – Omegas Demystified
For a long time I was more familiar with the hype than the facts. Omega 3s are everywhere; milk is fortified with them, hens are...
Fascinating Bee Pollen Health Benefits
A lot of us are interested to know more about bee pollen health benefits and its application. I have the privilege of asking Angela, the...
Organic Food Nutrition
There are many health benefits to be had when you elect to take organic food nutrition serious. You will find after a few weeks, that...
What is the Carb to Protein Ratio on the Medifast Diet?
Someone recently sent me an email asking "what is the carb to protein ratio in most of the medifast meals and also in the "lean...
How to Eat Healthy Using Simple Healthy Eating Math
Eating healthy is not complicated. It doesn't have to be hard. Many of us overcomplicate it and make this WAY harder than it has to...
Smart Approach to Grow Taller and Getting Bigger Muscles for Young Athletes Who Persist in Training
Your muscles and liver store glycogen only a limited amount which must be replaced after each bout of exercise. Endurance athletes worry that they may...
The Body Building Diet and Proper Protein Intake
A normal body building diet does not need to include massive amounts of protein, in spite of what the fitness experts currently say. The average...
The 18 Chakras of Healing
According to Hindu religion, a chakra is a point of energy in the body. It is that point at which the body's energy is highly...