Recipes For a Detox Diet and Your Oxidation Rate
Knowing your oxidation rate is a critical piece of information for your health. Your oxidation rate in simple terms is how fast do you burn food? Some people burn food slowly while others burn food fast. In either case knowing this critical piece of information, has a huge effect on matching you with the correct recipes for detox diet and your health.
A person who burns food fast is called a fast oxidizer and a person who burns food slowly is called a slow oxidizer. A fast oxidizer needs more slow burning food such as a diet with more high quality good fat and oil. The slow burning food is a good match for the fast oxidizer as that person will sustain energy.
In contrast the slow oxidizer can have a diet of more fast burning food such as grain products, but less of the high quality fat and oil. So there is a huge distinction between the two in terms of their metabolic needs.
If your diet is not matching your oxidation rate your not getting the right matching food for the speed at which your body burns food. This matching element for correct diet is one of the main keys to good health.
Now that you know your oxidation rate is critical, how do you find out your oxidization rate?
The key is your hair, although your hair is dead it’s a storage site for all your macro minerals, trace minerals and toxic metals. As the hair grows out these minerals and toxins are deposited in the hair over a 3 to 4 month period. Through a hair mineral test and with the expertise of a laboratory that examines your hair properly, you can determine your oxidation rate. Once this vital piece of information is known, you can pin point your exact diet for you and only you. (See Analytical Research Laboratory)
No more guess work! And for the folks that had the intutition that all foods don’t effect everyone the same, bravo you were right and the two oxidation rates are why. An example would be if you’re a fast oxidizer than lots of grains, and fruits are not a great choice due to grains and fruits burn very quickly and for fast oxidation sustained energy can’t be possible. The fast oxidizer will always be hungry not long after they eat. I know there are those saying that’s me, I get hungry an hour after I eat and the reason is an incorrect diet.
Now in contrast if the fast oxidizer eats slow burning food like eggs, olive oil, butter or some nuts (as an example) than sustained energy will happen and the need to eat will slow down. Slow oxidizers have the reverse effect, they need and can eat faster burning food which will sustain their energy levels.
So to simplify this, there are some people who are like a car speeding along on a highway that burns fuel very fast. (fast oxidizer) And the other is the car that is riding slowly down a side street. (slow oxidizers)
If we take the analogy one step further it’s like a car that needs unleaded gas but your putting in some diesel fuel mixed with some unleaded gas. It’s the wrong fuel! It will work but not at its best and over time repairs will be needed.
Now that the concept of your oxidation and diet has been explained lets talk about detox diet. The buzz word “detox diet” is being thrown out there frequently but unless you know your oxidation rate you may be eating the wrong food or the wrong food a lot of the time. Detox diets must match a person’s oxidation rate.
In this article I present to you a sample meal plan for both slow and fast oxidizers.
Recipes for Detox Diet:
Breakfast for Slow oxidizer:
2 eggs with spinach omelet, in 1 teaspoon of olive oil or butter
1 slice Ezekiel bread plain
1/4 cup of blueberries
Breakfast for Fast oxidizer:
2 eggs with spinach omelet, in 3 tablespoons of olive oil or butter
2 links organic turkey sausage
1 celery stalk with almond butter
In this example the slow oxidizer breakfast has much less fat and oil in their meal and is allowed to have a high quality grain product as well as a small amount of fruit. The slow oxidizer will burn that food slowly and sustain energy through out the morning.
In contrast the fast oxidizer needs more olive oil or butter in there diet and more fat and oil in the almond
butter and turkey sausage. This combination of food will burn slowly for the fast oxidizer and keep that individual with sustained energy through out the morning.
Lunch for the Slow oxidizer:
4 oz Roasted Chicken Breast, very light butter and garlic
1 cup steamed carrots with 1 teaspoon of butter and sea salt
1/2 cup brown rice
Lunch for the Fast oxidizer:
4 oz Roasted chicken thighs, made with modest amount of butter and garlic
1 cup of steamed carrots with 3 tablespoons of butter and sea salt
Pecans 6-8
In this example again you can see that the slow oxidizer has much less fat and oil than the fast oxidizer.
Both have there protein and vegetable. Slow has the grain (brown rice) the fast has more fat and oil.
(dark meat chicken, butter and pecan) THe slow has the chicken breast much less fat.
Dinner for the Slow oxidizer:
4 oz Flounder broiled with garlic and splash of lemon
Swiss chard with cranberries, small amount of olive oil
Sweet potato plain
Dinner for Fast oxidizer:
4 oz Flounder with butter and garlic
Swiss chard with almonds and butter and olive oil
Sweet potato with 3 tablespoons of butter
Again we see that the slow oxidizer can have flounder with lemon and the slow can have the cranberries and plain sweet potato. The fast has the flounder with butter which has more fat and also the fast has more butter on the sweet potato and fat in the almonds.
These recipes are examples of the distinction between the oxidation rates of slow and fast individuals. Without knowing the speed your body burns food all the detox diets in the world will have little or no positive effect and even can be harmful.
For example the popular lemon detox diet is not a good choice for fast oxidizers as their rate of oxidation requires slower burning food. Lemon is a fruit and therefore burns very fast and this kind of detox regimen should be avoided.
Matching your body with the correct detox diet as well as matching your body with the correct supplements and life style modifications are so much more healthy for the long term than fad diets or fad liquid berry drinks. Not only will you detox correctly and safely your correct diet will have excellent effects on weight loss and weight gain. Its very simple, know your oxidation rate!
I would like to quickly mention that as a rule of thumb avoid foods that have had something added or something taken away. The best quality foods are ones that are in a natural state the way your great grandma used to eat them.