Natural Face Masks – Why More and More People Are Nowadays Choosing These Rather Than Regular Masks
Natural face masks seem to be all the rage nowadays, and naturally there’s a very valid reason for this. In the past, people had no option but to rely on what skin care manufacturers, in terms of the various ingredients found in many of their products. These days however, people are becoming increasingly aware of things like global warming, environmental damage, and the damaging effect of which chemicals can have on a person’s quality of life.
Of course the internet has also played a huge role, and as more and more gain access to the information super highway, skin care manufacturers are finding it increasingly to keep consumers in the dark. At long last, it seems we are seeing an exodus away from chemical rich creams, lotions, shampoos, and etc. Facial masks are no exception to the rule, and while those containing harsh exfoliating chemicals where the order of the day a few years ago, their popularity is rapidly dwindling.
The truth is natural face masks can produce results which were never before achievable with regular masks. They can exfoliate one’s face in a safe and natural way, they can extract dirt and grime from deep within the pores, they can remove things like whiteheads and blackhead, but the best thing of all is, they don’t harm your skin in the process.
Even between makers of all-natural skin care products, there are differences in opinions as to which natural ingredients work best. For example, some claim that Dead Sea mud is the best possible base to use in a deep cleansing mask, and while I’m not going to try and dispute this here, there is no solid evidence to back up such claims, and besides, very few people have access to Dead Sea mud. Buying it stores is also out of the question for most people due to its high cost. Lastly, mud extracted from the Dead sea is brimming with living organisms, so my common sense tells me, in order to make this available to stores all over the work, where it could sit on shop shelves for months and months at a time, it would need to be processed to such an extent, it would no longer be the “super mud” it once was.
By and large, it’s nowadays believed that the best base for a cleansing mask is Kaolin clay because of its natural disinfectant properties, and its ability to extract excessive oil from the skin, which if allowed to remain, would simply act as a trap for dirt and grime.
Active Manuka Honey is another highly regarded ingredient in natural face masks because antioxidant properties, and its ability to stimulate the body’s immune system. This ingredient is generally imported, which unfortunately means it has an impact on the price face masks, but the benefits outweigh the additional cost.
Shea Butter is yet another ingredient you might want to look for in a face mask. In fact, you’ll find Shea Butter used in many of the world’s best natural skin care products, simply because there is absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind regarding its effectiveness. Simply put, it’s one of the very best natural emollients and moisturizers known to man.
Naturally, as with many things in life, you get what you pay for, That’s not to say good natural face masks are going to cost you an arm and a leg, but don’t expect to pay the same as you would for a cheap over the counter mask found at your local supermarket. I’m not saying all powdered masks (the ones you mix with water) are completely useless, and I’m sure some do have their merits, but they cannot compared to the real thing. Unfortunately, all the very best ingredients would lose their unique beneficial properties if they were dried and processed into a powder. If you want to see real results, and improvements to your skin that will actually be long lasting, you’ll simply have to do what so many others are doing – bite the bullet, and be willing to pay just a little bit more.