Health Tips For Men and Women
Here are some health tips you might find useful. I myself have survived a serious health problem and not just survived it but emerged from it at the age of 58 in the best health I have ever enjoyed.
Lots of walking/running/cycling. Bodies like to be worked so work yours. Just bear in mind a gradient approach and don’t over-tax it.
Human beings are tough creatures so I’m not over-keen to play the “stress” card. A busy, active, responsible life with a few thrills and spills is recommended. But get sufficient rest and sleep and give yourself some down time. Take a walk and get yourself some space. As well as ensuring you get sufficient rest, get sufficient WHOLESOME food food and liquids. These common-sense measures can go a long way to preventing high cholesterol and blood pressure weight gain, insomnia, headaches, acne, and even hair loss. The body will work fine until its is impeded from so doing: so much of what ails us comes about because, quite simply, we poison or damage ourselves
This maybe easier said than done but the health benefits if you can pull it off are tremendous. Believe me, I’ve been there! And if I can kick these habits so, my friend, can you!
These are poisons. The pharmaceutical industry works hard to convince us to drug ourselves on every pretext – and the drugs touted are very often catastrophic to health. In a great many instances good nutrition is a better solution or indeed prevention and as a technology nutrition has left the pharmaceutical approach back in the stone age.
Drug companies however cannot make money out of getting us to eat properly or take vitamins. Indeed they cannot make money out of our being well.
I recommend two things: a standard blood test by which you can monitor cholesterol levels and so forth and periodic visits to a kinesiologist.
Kinesiology is a highly advanced piece of technology and in the hands of an expert practitioner it is a wonderful and very accurate diagnostic tool.
With it one can establish whether any organs are not working properly and not only establish the specific herbal/nutritional remedy that will resolve the matter but the amounts of that remedy one needs to take. My kinesiologist has been able to detect and resolve issues early before they became life-threatening that mainstream medicine never would have been able to detect.
I have been greatly impressed and helped by Kinesiology and highly recommend it.
They are calling it a super food and a “nutrient power house.” In my view this natural, organic whole food deserves such accolades. It nourishes at a deep cellular level. Since I have been using it I have enjoyed a remarkable resurgence of my vitality and overall wellness. Throughout my body everything simply started working properly. I have been so impressed by this fantastic product that I am about to publish a free book that will tell you all about it:: what it is, what it does and why its results are so miraculous. I am giving it away to anyone who wants a copy. Including YOU, dear reader.