Geriatric Care Using Chiropractic Techniques
Chiropractic care for seniors is tailor made to fit the individual’s requirements. It attends to the general health of the patient, as well as specific conditions that may require sustained specialized care. Seniors who are in general good health may experience a significant boost to their health by receiving pain relief techniques aimed at helping them return to their normal lifestyle. And even in cases where a patient is afflicted with a chronic or severe condition, quality chiropractic care can provide significant improvement of distressingng symptoms. However, the latter case may require more patience with the treatment results.
Typically, seniors undergoing chiropractic care receive manual treatment in the form of flexion-distraction therapy, spinal manipulation, mobilization, and gentle soft tissue massage. The specific technique, number and regularity of required treatments, as well as force of the application to the structure of the spine depend on the patient’s physical condition, age, and the chiropractor’s own assessment of the patient’s case.
What Experts Say about Chiropractic Care
Experts have looked at the role chiropractic care may play in health promotion and disease prevention. Chiropractic care’s offer of a holistic style of practice is deemed to be very beneficial for geriatric care patients. This is because chiropractic services are safe and known to count on patient satisfaction.
In a study, elderly patients receiving quality chiropractic care for ailments of a neuromusculoskeletal origin (primarily low-back and neck pain) reported very high patient satisfaction. The procedures included chiropractic adjustments and manipulation, in addition to supportive therapies and education. The reported patient results included significant functional improvement and reduction in pain.
In the case of managed care patients, health-care providers are often unable to spend enough time with patients discussing health prevention methods. The nature of chiropractic care is such that a strong patient-doctor relationship is established. General health and lifestyle considerations figure prominently in chiropractic care, and are effectively discussed with the chiropractic patient.
Many chiropractic techniques are offered as safe replacements for surgery and drugs to address musculoskeletal ailments in older patients. In addition to spinal manipulation, the doctor of chiropractic could recommend exercises specific to the encountered condition. Exercise has a role in promoting the maintenance of healthy muscles, flexibility, endurance, and joint mobility. When balanced with periods of appropriate rest, it helps to reduce active joint inflammation, fatigue, and pain.
Nutrition is also shown to control inflammation, and may also suppress the progression of various diseases. Doctors of chiropractic are trained at offering the right exercise program and providing nutritional guidance.
What Chiropractic Care Can Offer:
• Pain relief that prompts one to resume an active lifestyle
• Pain relief that helps one to resume an active lifestyle
• Moderate pain relief that helps one resume with certain activities
• Thwarted progression of conditions in the case of advanced degenerative conditions
The difference among the expected results is due to the wide range of conditions encountered and the severity in which they are found when the patient first undergoes chiropractic treatment. When a patient is already experiencing pronounced degeneration, has a sedentary lifestyle, and/or has other serious health problems, treatment goals reflect more modest treatment results.
Since the presence of additional health issues can slow down the progress that may be achieved with chiropractic care, the treatment goals need to be realistic. However, patients with all conditions benefit from the ability to positively affect the degeneration process, significantly delaying the rate in which the condition’s symptoms worsen. After a thorough examination by your doctor of chiropractic, you will receive an individualized explanation of the expected treatment results.
Contact a Chiropractic Doctor
Chiropractors are well positioned to provide health assessment and diagnosis, health promotion, and some primary care services to seniors. Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive, holistic way to promote overall health and manage a wide range of conditions, reducing the reliance on strong medications.
For an assessment of your individual case, contact a doctor of chiropractic. You will undoubtedly benefit from the available treatment options. Along with addressing your needs through hands-on manipulation, chiropractic care can tailor the right exercise program for your case, and offer comprehensive nutrition and supplement advice.