Do Not Ignore the Limitations of Botanical Skin Care
Botanical skin care products contain plant extracts which are known to be beneficial for the support of healthy skin. It is important to note that while plant extracts help promote healthy skin, they do not claim to cause the skin to produce any particular healthy characteristics. In a normal healthy skin cell, valuable biochemical processes take place; botanical skin care products simply augment these processes.
It requires more than plant extracts however, to practice premium skin care. Botanical skin care products should have the proper pH balance. When the skin’s pH balance has been upset, it looses the natural hydration that it needs to be at its best. Without the ability to retain moisture, skin cells find it more difficult to fend off bacteria. The pH balance is easily upset by many factors in our lives, so for this reason, it is important for botanical skin cared products to have the proper pH balance in addition to plant extracts.
Did you know that plant extracts contain proteins? Did you also know that allergies cause skin cells to display an abnormal response to proteins? Many people think that proteins are good, without realizing the negative effects of proteins on people with allergies. This is precisely why you want to look for the word “hypoallergenic” on botanical skin care products. This allows the skin to benefit from the proteins in the plant extracts without causing more problems. It is important to realize that while premium products may contain plan oils, they do not contain mineral oils. Beware of any product that boasts mineral oil; mineral oil is nothing more than a by-product of petroleum production.
If people knew this, would they really want to put that sticky stuff on their skin? Another valuable step in the development of premium botanical skin care product is the careful testing procedures. The ingredients in these products should be tested, analyzed and studied by dermatologists. In the case of botanical skin care products designed for use on small babies, pediatricians should also be consulted in the production of the products. Always remember, a good skin care regimen does not begin and end with botanical skin care products alone. While botanicals support the healthy characteristics in the skin, they do not create such characteristics. People should recognize the manner in which time affects the cells in the outer layers of the skin. Older skin cells loose their ability to make collagen and elastin, for example, both proteins. Collagen has fiber-like characteristics that give the skin added strength. Collagen makes cells firmer, so when skin has an adequate amount of collagen, it does not tend to wrinkle and sag.
The elastin protein allows the skin’s epithelial cells to be both flexible and firm. Elastin gives skin cells the ability to return to their original location after being pulled or stretched by the forces of the outside environment. Therefore, good skin care should include the provision of a substance that stimulates the lost production of these proteins, especially for aging skin. Good botanical skin care products stimulate the cells to continue making collagen and elastin. Consumers should be aware of the differences between products that aid the skin to continue producing these proteins and those that simply cover the skin with them. Any product that simply contains these two proteins can easily be washed off, but a product that helps generate the reproduction of them is of premium quality. Good botanical skin care gives skin cells added vitality. Botanical skin care products help cells to produce the well-toned and healthy appearance that we associate with a more youthful face.