Diagnosing Dyslexia – Why Are There So Many Undiagnosed Dyslexic Adults?
About 10% of the general population has one or more of the many different types of dyslexia. In the adult population over 25-30 years old, it is estimated that 95% of those with dyslexia are unaware of their condition.
How could this be? Especially when you consider the ease and availability of modern dyslexia testing! Diagnosing dyslexia should be easy!
To understand, we need to look at the recent history of dyslexia. Most of the research that lets us understand dyslexia today has taken place in the last 25 years. Up until about 15 years ago, dyslexia was little understood or recognized. It’s only in the last 10-12 years that dyslexia screening in schools has been the rule.
Dyslexics who passed through the school systems before that, had to deal with their conditions on their own. Most got branded as slow learners, lazy underachievers or a bit dense. Most were embarrassed that they did not learn things the same way as the other kids did, and did their best to hide their differences.
Most developed habits to conceal their disabilities, refrained from reading, avoided getting into situations where reading and dealing with written words and numbers were required. Most came out of their educational experiences with some sort of lower self esteem, a problem that a diagnosis of dyslexia would have avoided.
This persisted as they grew into adults. They hid their differences, sought jobs, often beneath their general abilities, to avoid tasks that their dyslexia would make difficult. They went about their lives without a diagnosis of dyslexia, which would have put them on the path to overcoming such limitations.
So today’s dyslexic adults got out of grade school and high school before educators were diagnosing dyslexia. And there has been almost no program to find them, get them tested and diagnosed and let them enjoy the benefits of learning how to get around any deficiencies they might have or feel they have.
Many adult dyslexics learned of their condition only after their children received a diagnosis of dyslexia. The education and medical professionals involved, knowing that there is a genetic link, urged dyslexia testing for the entire family. And one or more parents were found to be dyslexic.
So that is why there are so many adult dyslexics who are unaware that the reasons for problems that they hide, that they have lived with for years, are caused by dyslexia. If you or anyone you know exhibits any of the symptoms of dyslexia, please urge them to take an adult dyslexia test.
Once tested, if they receive a diagnosis of dyslexia, they can be helped, taught how dyslexics can learn to do practically anything that anyone else can do. It will open up a whole new life for them, full of possibilities they never thought they could achieve.
Diagnosing dyslexia can open the doors to the positive side of the condition, the “gift of dyslexia”. There are many famous people with dyslexia, including Albert Einstein, Sir Charles Branson, entrepreneur, Cher, singer and actress, Anderson Cooper, American journalist and Tom Cruise, actor.
Dyslexics see things differently. If they get tested and have a diagnosis of dyslexia the problems can be overcome. Then that way of seeing things can help them succeed in areas like the arts, architecture, theater and anywhere the ability to see things differently, see the overall picture, gives them an advantage.
For more information about diagnosing dyslexia, dyslexia testing and adult dyslexia tests, follow the links below…