Canadian Influences on American Culture
Very few countries that share borders also share as much in common culturally as do Canada and the United States of America. The most obvious cultural common ground between the two countries is our use of the English language, although many parts of Canada also rely on French as the main form of communication.
But our common traits run much deeper than just language, and in many cases Canadian influences on American culture are just as profound as the other way around.
Far too often, the U.S. is presented as the more influential when it comes to cultural trends in North America; and, while it’s true that Americans often are the instigators of many cultural phenomenons that eventually blaze a trail across the world, Canadian influences can sometimes be just as consequential and far-reaching as those from its friends to the south.
Because of its massive amount of natural forests, wildlife and gorgeous geography, Canada and its citizens are sometimes credited with being leaders on the world stage when it comes to promoting a culture of nature conservation and appreciation.
The many examples of gorgeous, pristine and untouched Canadian wilderness areas act as an inspiration to many other countries, such as the United States, that are trying to conserve their own natural resources while they still meet a demanding and expanding urban populace.
Without a doubt, Canadians have been successful in melding the urban lifestyle with the wilderness in a way that diminishes neither their gorgeous natural resources nor the effectiveness of their cities. Canada is truly a country that has successfully integrated bustling metropolises into the surrounding beauty of the natural landscape, and as such stands as a great motivator for other countries of the world looking to do the same.
On another front, Canadians have also distinguished themselves as producers of some of the finest artists, actors, singers and performers in the world, as well. Many American movie fans are often surprised to discover that some of their favorite actors and actresses are not, in fact, Americans at all, but rather Canadians.
From great comic actors to award-winning dramatists, Canada has been home to countless performers whose styles and body of work have influenced entertainment culture all around the world. Canadian singers and songwriters, too, are often every bit as popular in America, and more than a few have risen to the top of the charts both in the U.S. as well as around the world.
Once again, many American music enthusiasts are often surprised when they discover that some of their most beloved artists are either Canadian or have some significant Canadian influences on their body of work.
Far too often, America’s neighbors to the north are under-appreciated for their contributions to world culture, entertainment, technology, art, literature and environmentalism. Canadians have a unique cultural tradition of their own, and they have much to be proud of in countless areas.