Can You Purchase Medifast Shakes in Grocery Stores, Health Food Stores, Or Pharmacies?
From all of the emails I get and from my lurking on many weight loss forums and support groups, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Medifast shakes are the most asked about liquid product out there. Not only is this product filling, good tasting, and pretty convenient, there’s a certain mystery and misconception that seems to surround it. I get a lot of questions that ask which stores keep these in stock or routinely sell these items. I’ll go over this topic in the following article.
If you’ve found this article, you probably have already tried to find these products on store or pharmacy shelves. Maybe you’ve even ventured to a health food store or two or have even tried the yellow pages or local directories. It’s probably very likely that you have not been successful. The reason for this is that the company does not distribute the products through third parties.
With that said, there are some clinics scattered though out the world, but many people do not have one of these close by. I never have. The closest clinic to me is hours away. The waste of gas and time would not make this very feasible or even sensible since it’s really easy and quick for me to place an order online. They will typically ship the order the same day so you don’t have to wait all that long to receive it. In my opinion, having to order and ship the product from the company is not at all a deal breaker. They are worth the wait and, in my experience, are much more effective and healthful than anything that you can get in the grocery store
I also feel compelled to tell you that there are many different types of Medifast shakes available. Examples are appetite suppression, diabetic, women’s health, metabolism boosting, and joint health, to name some of the more popular. When many people ask me about these products, many are interested in the ready to drink variety that don’t require mixing. People really are attracted to the convenience of these and they are pretty good, but I would venture to say that the most popular option are the 55 shakes. These do require mixing, but this literally takes seconds and you can control the texture and consistency more. The 55’s are often included in the monthly packages and are part of the five plus one plan.
Speaking of the 5 plus 1, you may know this already, but the diet has many more choices in addition to the shakes. There are also soups and chili, breakfast foods, snacks, and other drink options, to name a few. There are well over 70 choices and all of the foods / liquids contain roughly the same amounts of calories, carbs, and protein. So, although the shakes are really popular and really good, there are other options that might give you a little more variety.
You can order any of the food choices individually or as part of a package. Typically, coupons and specials are only offered with the packages, but the incentives do change from time to time.