Beauty and Skin Care Products Advice
We all try to attain a degree of beauty. We want to get rid of signs of aging such as wrinkles, lines, drying skin and those dark circles around the eyes. There is an abundance of skin care products that all have similar claims of helping us to stay looking young or looking young again.
Buyers’ beware! Stay from products that claim results in just minutes. When they are first applied it looks great but when it’s removed your skin’s condition has not changed at all. There are other claims as well including the ingredients and the attempts to lure people into buying very expensive products saying that there will be better results. This is not true.
Most companies choose to use some ingredients because they are very inexpensive. Not all products are the same as most of them simply do not work. Even the expensive ones.
This may be because the ingredients do not work.
You will be shocked at exactly how many of these ingredients actually affect our bodies.
For example have you ever considered that skin products have expiration dates and if they don’t they should. They can begin to break down and cause even more problems.
All of this aside, lets take a look at ingredients that are potentially harmful and their use should be avoided.
Some companies want to be sure their products will last long on the shelf and so they use preservatives called parabens. Parabens can not only negatively affect our endocrine systems but they may cause cancer as well. Dioxane 1,4 is known to be a carcinogenic.
Alcohols dry and irritate our skin. Nitrosamines are formed when amines (DEA, MEA, TEA) combine with formaldehyde-releasing preservatives. They too are known to be carcinogenic
There are alternative natural ingredients available that are very effective but without and chemicals, preservatives, and additives. I am guessing you have heard of seaweed wraps done in spas. The Japanese Sea gives us brown kelp called Phytessence Wakame. It helps heal dry and skin that may be irritated. It also plays a part in tissue repair. Cynergy TK is instrumental in your body being able grow collagen and elastin again. It is also abundant in antioxidants that help kill free radicals that can damage your skin. Nano-lipobelle H-EQ10 penetrates deep in to your skin it is a powerful antioxidant.
Other natural ingredients include jojoba, macadamia, and purified olive oil. There are plant-based alcohols and fragrances. Shea butter is made from the extracted oils of the shea nut. Natural beauty and skin care products are processed naturally and without chemicals. My best advice is to go natural.