Acne Treatment Medication and Hormones
Acne can affect many people. We have to know many things and facts about acne so we can fight it effectively. We must find out causes of acne. There are many causes why acne can appear, but most common cause of acne is hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances cause sebaceous glands to release more oil than usual and skin pores become clogged. Why? Because excess of oil released by sebaceous glands combines with dirt and dead skin cells and creates a moisturizing environment for bacteria.
Hormonal changes usually begin in the teenage hood period and this is the start period for acne also. Androgen begins to form in this period both at males and females and hormonal changes appear.
Sebaceous glands start to release oil in a faster rate in the adolescent period and overproduction of skin’s natural oil clogs the pores and acne forms. Harsh environmental factors also make bacteria to breed. All these conditions are the start of acne and inflammations.
In general, our androgenic hormones and estrogen hormones run a real relevant role in ensuring that we have a healthy body and a healthy skin. Yet, if such internal secretions are produced in an organism at a real high level, some adverse results also take place. One of these is acne. Acne ordinarily appears to both men and women beginning from their teen years up to their early 20s. Most of the wounds will ordinarily happen on our faces, principally in our cheeks, chin, and forehead. However, some individuals may too have wounds on their neck, chest, and even on their backs.
There have been cases of people who rely on their individual home therapeutics. Besides, individuals have been acknowledged to use other over the counter external medicinal drugs projected to annihilate swelling. Consumers should also be careful to place the products out of the reach of small children. While there usually isn’t anything particular harmful in the products, children tend to ingest unknown liquids or emollients.
During adolescence, when androgen hormones increase, acne appears. Hormonal change and acne breakouts also happen to pregnant women. They suffer from acne due to the hormonal imbalances. Contraceptive pills sometimes are useful in regulating hormones levels and preventing acne.
Several people think that the occurrences of acne are generally related with the organism routines that call for hormones. As such, a lot debate that the base factors of acne are hormonal modifications and internal secretion unbalance. To a certain degree, such an ordinary opinion is not real a superstition without a scientific basis. In fact, numerous individuals who are disposed to suffer from acne have usually fatty skin in the main because of the increased level of androgenic hormones and testosterone present in their body.
The effects of hormonal imbalances must be controlled somehow and it is very important to consult a doctor to find out the causes and the proper treatments for acne. An acne treatment is always available, but the proper acne treatment for you is harder to find, especially if you are on your own. Consulting a good dermatologist must always be a priority if you suffer from acne.