Real Food, Less Regrets
Many of you have seen “What The Health” for some strange reason some of you have concluded that the information was biased. Well, I stand as living proof that a whole food plant-based lifestyle is the only lifestyle proven to reverse and prevent! Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer just to name a few.
I would love an opportunity to share the principles of our Whole-Person Plant-Strong Lifestyle Movement with your community. Our Whole-Person Plant-Strong lifestyle is built on principles that I live each day. I am 49 years old even with celiac, arthritis, and vitiligo, I am not on any prescription drugs. I have a blood pressure of 98 over 69 my cholesterol is 172, my glucose is 100, and I weigh 135 pounds. I am healthier now than I have ever been in my life
It makes me sad, and very angry, to see so many of us eating ourselves to death! I would love to teach you how to exchange your traditional recipes for their healthier, more affordable, nutritious, plant-based varieties. It’s time out for existing in denial. It’s time to live the abundant God designed life, we were all created for with hope, in freedom with Liberty! Please join us on this journey of living a life with fewer regrets!
Guidelines on the Go!
Eating on the go guidelines:. Remember we don’t have control over that is being produced in grocery stores or restaurants.However,we do have control over what we choose to buy and consume.
These little changes will make a difference. If the missing elements in our lifestyle are vitamins and minerals why do we focus on protein? That one nutrient is not going to help to achieve the goal of total Health and Wellness.
One of the goals of our movement is to consume colorful whole, unprocessed foods as close to the way God created them as possible. Eat smaller portions, slowly, around a table with others.
When you’re out and on-the-go remember the rainbow is always the most important requirement. The essential color being green. Make sure you consume dark rich colors red, orange, yellow and purple the more vibrant the colors, the more nutritious the option.
Before you order or eat anything ask yourself
5 questions
1 Is this real food, can I recognize and pronounce the ingredients?
2 If I left it out on my counter would it spoil?
3 Will this add to or take away from the good bacteria in your digestive tract? (Remember your digestive system feeds on healthy bacteria like fiber.)
4 Will this choice lead to reward or regret?
5 Is this going to make me feel good and energized, or bad and lethargic?
Mindset shift:
Free your mind of your old way of thinking, and your life will follow.
Call to Action:
Begin to consume your meals on smaller plates this is an excellent way to control portions.
Old habits: Large processed food options, eating extremely fast alone in a car.
New habit: Smaller whole plant derived meals eaten slow, with others at a table.