Body Needs Retraining When Coming Off the Master Cleanse Diet
Getting through the Master Cleanse diet can be difficult for some, but coming off the program and returning to normal food properly is perhaps the...
20 Health Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss & Health Goals
How can you expect to manage health & weight, when you've never been taught how to? It's not you! It's a broken approach. There is...
Urinary Tract Infections – Crystals – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
The most basic question is, how do I tell if my dog has UTI? What should I look for? The most common symptoms of a...
Candida Breakfast Ideas to Start Your Day
It's no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While the wrong breakfast or no breakfast can lead to headaches, digestion...
Superfood List – Lose Post Pregnancy Weight With These 10 Healthy Foods
After a woman has a baby, she usually wants to lose the excess baby weight fairly quickly. One major contributor to the weight loss is...
Graves’ Disease Diet Tips You Probably Don’t Know About
Before I discuss some Graves' Disease diet tips that can help restore your health back to normal, let me first tell you that not only...
Double Vision Improving Foods For Better Eyesight
There is ample evidence regarding the link between good nutrition and better eye health. This principle even applies to improving the vision condition double vision....
How Many Calories Should I Be Eating?
A recent poll showed that about two-thirds of people can't accurately estimate how many calories they need. It's important to have a grasp of how...
Horse Nutrition and Hoof Care – A Healthy Horse Has Healthy Hooves
So, what can we feed our horses that's good for their hooves? This question should more accurately be, what can we feed our horse that's...
Number One Health And Longevity Secret – Key To Good Nutrition And A Tip To Eating Healthy
"A drunkard may reach old age; a glutton, never." - Sylvester GrahamI'd like to share with you the number one health and longevity secret. Would...