How About a Book On Proper Dieting With a Christian Motif?
Are you an overweight Christian, if so do not despair, I am quite certain you are not alone. All that extra weight you are carrying...
Fatty Liver Diet – A 1200 Calorie Diet Plan That Works To Shed Weight And Reduce Fat In The Liver
A fatty liver diet should focus on shedding pounds and reducing excess fat in the body. By reducing excess fat consumption, the opportunity for fat...
Rant – Move Over Dennis Miller – I’ve Got Some Things to Say About Health, Fitness and Nutrition
Time to get some things off my chest about health, fitness and nutrition. You may not agree with all (or any!) of these, but hopefully,...
Eggs in Cookery – The Magic of Eggs
The domestic chicken originally probably arose in the Indian sub-continent as a result of selective breeding from both the Red Junglefowl (which chickens most resemble)...
Oatmeal: The Ideal Way to Start Your Day
During the daily struggle to get ready in the morning and bolt out the door toward another painstaking commute and workday, most people tend to...
10 Tips To Remove Acne And Pimples Permanently
1) STOP popping the spots, also known as pimples and zits. This may make the pimple look worse due to inflammation and irritation. Popping a...
Holistic Health Programs and You
In this fast-paced world, it's easy to push our educational plans to the back burner. But if you desire to work in the holistic health...
The Best and the Worst Acne Products to Buy
For most people with acne it is very important to know what products to choose when shopping for treatments. There are so many different products...
Protein Supplements Energise to Build
Energy is what we need to carry out our required works and to perform the daily activities and the main source of it is food....
Acne – Top Seven Myths About Pimples
We all know how annoying and embarrassing acne can be, not to mention how hard it is to get rid of for most people. It...