Ingredients in Your Lipstick – Is Your Health at Risk?
Lipstick ingredients in many cases are a noxious blend of petroleum based chemicals, many of which have not been thoroughly tested for safety. A number...
12 Nutrition Tips for Vegetarian Bodybuilders
Vegetarianism and bodybuilding don't mix, right? This may have been the consensus in the past, but today, an increasing number of people are choosing to...
8 Easy Yet Effective Tips For Beautiful & Healthy Skin
The time has come when the annoying fairness creams and powder commercials should be over and people should be concerned about glowing, beautiful and healthy...
8 Facts You Need To Know About The Top Vegetarian Diet Myths
Probably the healthiest eating pattern you can follow is that of a vegetarian or vegan. However, people (especially meat eaters) or individuals who tend to...